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Products » objectiF RM » User interface and how to work with it » Data exchange with external systems » Exchange data via REST API » Dialog for ‘Create Configuration for Azure DevOps’

Version 8.3 and later

Dialog for ‘Create Configuration for Azure DevOps’

To import and export requirements, you need to create a configuration for connecting to Azure DevOps. For this, you need the credentials from Azure DevOps. This includes a web address and a token created in Azure DevOps.
Open the dialog:

  • through the Interface Configurations view. Click on Create Configuration for Azure DevOps via the plus button.

The Dialog

Name You are free to choose a name for the configuration.

Web address Enter the web address to the Azure DevOps server.

Password/ API token To connect to Azure DevOps, here you need to enter a token that has been created in Azure DevOps.

Azure DevOps Project Choose a project via the […] button. You can only select one project at a time.

Target package Use the […] button to specify a package from your objectiF RM system. The requirements from the Azure DevOps project will be imported into this package.

Configure Synchronization When you click on this button, objectiF RM connects to Azure DevOps and you can configure the mapping for the import or export.