Dialog “Configure artefacts import”
In this dialog, you configure which data is mapped with which properties and values and then imported.
This is the second dialog if you select the Import Artefacts command from the context menu of an Excel or csv file.
Default-stereotype for new […] Select a stereotype from the dropdown menu. The default stereotype of the respective entity is pre-selected. (e.g. Class for Classes, Requirement for Requirements)
Default-stereotyp for new attributes (only when importing classes) Select a stereotype from the drop-down list.
Csv-Separator (version 8.2 and higher) Here you select the separator used in the file. You can select the semicolon or comma from the dropdown menu. If you use another separator, enter it manually in the field.
When you import classes, the Attributes tab page is also displayed.
Default stereotype for new attributes Select a stereotype from the dropdown list.
Under Excel Column you can see all column headings defined in Excel. Assign the objectiF RM properties to the columns. To do this, click on a column on the left and then on a property on the right. The property is assigned to the column and gets a green hook on the right side.
If you selected the checkbox Identify by ID/ Identify by Name in the previous dialog […] Import, you must also enter an ID/name here.
Assignment Enumeration Value Under Excel Value you see all column values defined in Excel. Assign the objectiF RM values to these values. To do this, click on an Excel value on the left and then on a value under Value Selection on the right. The value is assigned to the column.
Refresh (from version 8.2) (The button will only be shown to you when importing a csv file.) Click the button if you want to reset the entire mapping.