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Products » objectiF RPM » User interface and how to work with it » Dialog “Edit Organization”

Dialog “Edit Organization”

Existing organizations can still be edited in retrospect. Names and abbreviations can be changed, a region can be selected or a description can be entered or changed.

The dialog of an organization can be called up thus:

  • Open an organization and select the command Organization/ Properties via the backstage menu.

The dialog

Name Name of the organization.

Short identifier Enter a short ID for your organization, containing a maxumium of 6 characters and consisting of letters A-Z, a-z as well as digits 1-9.

Region Choose a region. This is relevant with regard to holidays.

Tab “Description”

Enter a description or explanatory notes about the organization here.

Tab “Costs”

You can use the dropdown menu to select a currency to apply to the organization.

Tab “Settings”

Default Font (version 7.1 and higher)

Use the drop-down menu to set the font type and size, which will then be used for all RTF texts within the project. RTF texts appear in forms and dialogs. The set font is also displayed in queries, provided that columns (e.g. description) are displayed that show RTF texts.

Tab “Further Properties”

Here, you can – if available – enter custom properties for the organization.
Custom properties can be created in the view Stereotypes under Organization.

OK Saves the settings made.