Organizations and projects
Once you have started objectiF RPM and logged in, you will be in the userboard. From here you can open, create and delete organizations and projects.
An organization is used as a structuring element, which combines one or more projects under itself. If required, an organization can be divided into further organizational units, which in turn can contain several projects.
The organization
In an organization you manage your projects as well as the number of employees. From here you get an overview of the milestones of all projects, have access to evaluations such as employee workload or time recording, create dashboards and prepare document templates, forms or state machines, which you can then transfer to all projects.
The project
A project is a closed “project” that differs from other projects in its staff, objectives and implementation. Various project templates are available in objectiF RPM. However, you can also create your own templates or define a project template based on a project.