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Products » objectiF RM » User interface and how to work with it » Workspace » Organization and Project Windows

Organization and Project Windows

Organization and project windows are used for displaying project elements, documents, views, glossary entries, etc. Access to these windows is determined by the configuration settings of your user profile.

The Organization Window (Only Accessible in Organizations)

To open the Organization window, click on the eye symbol in the tab of an organizational unit, and select Show Organization

By default, the window opens on the right-hand side of the screen.

In this window, you can find all the query types, user profiles, and forms, as well as the views and queries from your projects. Projects and templates that are allocated to the organization are also on display.

The Products Window (Only Accessible in Projects)

To open the products window, click on the eye symbol in a project’s tab, and select Show Products.

By default, the window opens on the right-hand side of the screen.

With packages, you can create, manage and edit entire project contents (i.e. requirements, documents, queries etc.)

The Stereotypes Window (Accessible in Organizations and Projects)

To open the stereotypes window, click on the eye symbol in an organization’s or project’s tab, and select Show Stereotypes.

By default, the window opens on the right-hand side of the screen.

In this window, you will find a complete list of all stereotypes that can be used when creating elements in objectiF RM

Here, you can adjust and extend existing stereotypes (e.g. by creating new sub-stereotypes). Properties that are defined here when creating or editing elements are displayed in the tab Further properties. In the properties of a stereotype, you can enter a pattern for the generation of the identifier (unique ID of an element).

When you change the properties of an existing stereotype, these will be updated immediately in the project.

List of stereotypes


ActionModelActivityActionModelActivityElement/ ModelActivityAction
Use caseUseCaseUseCase
Working time of staff memberActivityResourceWorkingTimeActivityResourceWorkingTime
Proposed changeProposedChangeArtifact/ ProposedChange
Story flowUseCaseFlowUseCaseFlow
Query typeQueryTypeQueryType
Enumeration valueEnumerationValueMember/ EnumerationValue
BlockBlockDomainElement/ Block
BugBugDomainElement/Requirement/ Bug
Relation groupRelationGroupDomainElement/ RelationGroup
Relation groupRelationGroupDomainElement/RelationGroup
Document templateDocumentTemplateDocumentTemplate
Data point of a cumulative flow diagramCumulativeFlowDiagramDataPointDomainElement/CumulativeFlowDiagramDataPoint
Diagram in a dashboardsDashBoardChartDomainElement/DashBoardChart
Default value of property valueInitialValuePropertyDomainElement/InitialValueProperty
File propertyFileProductSettingDomainElement/FileProductSetting
Element groupElementGroupElementGroup
Earned value analysisEarnedValueAnalysisDomainElement/EarnedValueAnalysis
Time recording settingsTimeRecordingInstanceSettingsDomainElement/ TimeRecordingInstanceSettings
Test set execution settingsTestSetExecutionSettingsDomainElement/TestSetExecutionSettings
Unit propertyUnitPropertyDomainElement/UnitProperty
Use case extension pointUseCaseExtensionPointDomainElement/UseCaseExtensionPoint
Signal propertySignalPropertyDomainElement/SignalProperty
Element in a activity diagramModelActivityElementModelActivityElement
Flow portFlowPortDomainElement/FlowPort
Flow port of partFlowPortPartDomainElement/FlowPortPart
Flow port propertyFlowPropertyDomainElement/FlowProperty
Planned systemPlannedSystemDomainElement/PlannedSystem
Glossary entryGlossaryEntryGlossaryEntry
Fork/JoinModelActivityForkJoinModelActivityElement/ ModelActivityForkJoin
Info to downloaded directoryDirectoryProductDownloadSettingsDomainElement/DirectoryProductDownloadSettings
Guideline chapterGuidelineChapterDomainElement/GuidelineChapter
Key figures of dashboardDashBoardKPIDomainElement/DashBoardKPI
Guideline linkGuidelineLinkDomainElement/GuidelineLink
Resource pool staffResourcePoolUserResourcePoolUser
Resource requestResourceRequestResourceRequest
Misuse CaseMisUseCaseUseCase/MisUseCase
Activities userActivityResourceActivityResource
Model activityModelActivityModelActivity
Resource poolRessourcePoolRessourcePool
ValueBusinessValueArtifact/ BusinessValue
Object nodeModelActivityObjectModelActivityElement/ModelActivityObject
Persona ScenarioPersonaScenarioDomainElement/PersonaScenario
Proxy PortProxyPortDomainElement/ Port/ ProxyPort
ProgramProgramProject/ Program
Project groupProjectGroupDomainElement/ProjectGroup
Project userProjectUserProjectUser
RiskRiskArtifact/ Risk
ReqIf exchange fileReqIfExchangeDomainElement/ReqIfExchange
Signal propertySignalPropertyDomainElement/SignalProperty
External interfaceExternal BlockInterfaceDomainElement/BlockInterface/External BlockInterface
Hierarchy of a specificationSpecHierarchyDomainElement/SpecHierarchy
System context elementSystemContextElementDomainElement/SystemContextElement
Step of a flowUseCaseFlowStepUseCaseFlowStep
Test caseTestCaseDomainElement/TestCase
Test ScenarioTestCaseScenarioDomainElement/TestCaseScenario
Step of a test scenarioTestCaseScenarioStepDomainElement/TestCaseScenarioStep
Test case stepTestCaseStepDomainElement/TestCaseStep
User Story BoardUserStoryBoardDomainElement/UserStoryBoard
Use Case StoryUseCaseStoryUseCaseStory
Variation pointVariationPointVariationPoint
Value typeBlockValueTypeDomainElement/BlockValueType


Actor ↔ ActorActorGeneralizationActorGeneralization
Actor ↔ Use caseCommunicatesRelationshipCommunicatesRelationship
Test ↔ assigned userAssociatedTestProjectUserArtifactRelationship
Bug ↔ TestBugTestRshipArtifactRelationship
Bug ↔ Test stepBugTestStepRshipArtifactRelationship
Value ↔ ValueBuildsOnBusinessValueRshipArtifactRelationship
Risk ↔ Business goalBusinessObjectiveRiskRshipArtifactRelationship
Business goal ↔ Business requirementBusinessRequirementBusinessObjectiveRshipArtifactRelationship
Need ↔ NeedContainsNeedRshipArtifactRelationship
File ↔ NeedNeedAttachRshipArtifactRelationship
Business requirement ↔ NeedNeedBusinessRequirementRshipArtifactRelationship
Value ↔ NeedNeedBusinessValueRshipArtifactRelationship
Solution ↔ NeedNeedSolutionRshipArtifactRelationship
Stakeholder ↔ NeedNeedStakeholderRshipArtifactRelationship
Stakeholder ↔ StakeholderStakeholderCorrelationRshipDomainDependency
Requirement ↔ Proposed changeProposedChangeRequirementRshipArtifactRelationship
Risk ↔ Proposed changeProposedChangeRiskRshipArtifactRelationship
Risk ↔ RequirementRequirementRiskRshipArtifactRelationship
Work package ↔ RiskRiskWorkPackageRshipArtifactRelationship
Value ↔ SolutionSolutionBusinessValueRshipArtifactRelationship
Test set execution ↔ Test caseTestArtifactRelationship
Test ↔ Test case stepTestStepArtifactRelationship
Class ↔ ClassAssociationAssociation
Activity ↔ Assigned packageActivityRealizePackageRshipDependsRelationship
Activity ↔ Assigned use caseActivityRealizeUseCaseRshipDependsRelationship
Class ↔ Extending classClassExtendsRelationshipLinkDependsRelationship
Chapter ↔ Referencing document templateDocumentTemplateCompositionDependsRelationship
Element ↔ Review commentElementReviewCommentDependsRelationship
Use case ↔ Extensive use caseExtendDependsRelationship
Email ↔ AttachmentMailAttachmentRshipDependsRelationship
Review comment ↔ ReviewReviewCommentDependsRelationship
Standard port ↔ InterfaceUseDependsRelationship
Use case ↔ AttachmentUseCaseAttachRshipDependsRelationship
Folder or file ↔ Database userWorkingFolderDependsRelationship
Use case ↔ Misuse CasepreventsExtendsRelationship
Use case ↔ Use caseUseCaseGeneralizationUseCaseGeneralization
Variation point ↔ VariationVariationAssetDependsReleationship
Block ↔ Partial blockBlockAggregationDomainDependency
Block ↔ referencing blockBlockAssociationDomainDependency
Parent requirement ↔ RequirementContainsReqRshipDomainDependency
Package ↔ importet packageImportDependsRelationship
Activity ↔ Control flowControlFlowControlFlow
Activity ↔ Assigned requirementActivityRealizeReqRshipDomainDependency
Variation ↔ Variation pointVariationAssetDependsRelationship
Actor ↔Planned systemContextActorRelationshipDomainDependency
Planned system ↔ System context elementContextElementRelationshipDomainDependency
Rule ↔ System context elementContextElementRuleApplicationDomainDependency
Rule ↔ Planned systemContextRuleApplicationDomainDependency
Requirement↔ Depends requirementDependsReqRshipDomainDependency
Requirement ↔ Derived requirementDerivedReqRshipDomainDependency
Block ↔ BlockGeneralisationRelationshipDomainDependency
Goal ↔ And-GoalGoalAndRelationshipDomainDependency
Goal ↔ Or-GoalGoalOrRelationshipDomainDependency
Goal ↔ Goal (conflict)GoalConflictRelationshipDomainDependency
Goal ↔ benötigtes GoalGoalDemandRelationshipDomainDependency
Goal ↔ RequirementGoalDerivedReqRshpDomainDependency
Use case ↔ Assigned goalGoalDerivedUseCaseRshpDomainDependency
Guideline ↔ Reference item (Example)GuidelineReferenceItemDomainDependency
E-Mail ↔ Derived requirementMailDerivedReqRshpDomainDependency
Persona ↔ required requirementNeedsRshipDomainDependency
Goal ↔ StakeholderOwnsRelationshipDomainDependency
Package ↔ Aggregating packagePackageMergeDomainDependency
Persona ↔ Persona scenarioPersonaScenarioRshpDomainDependency
Use case ↔ Persona scenarioPersonaScenSpecializeUseCaseRshpDomainDependency
Port ↔ assigned operation to a blockPortBlockOperationRshipDomainDependency
Port ↔ assigned flow propertyPortFlowPropertyRshipDomainDependency
Use case diagram ↔ RequirementRefinesReqRshipDomainDependency
Actor ↔ generalised actorRepresentsRshipDomainDependency
Requirement ↔ AttachmentRequirementAttachRshipDomainDependency
Requirement ↔ Requirements referenceRequirementReferenceDomainDependency
Requirement ↔ BlockSatisfiesReqRshipDomainDependency
Test case ↔ Assigned project userTestCaseAssociatedProjectUserDomainDependency
Stakeholder ↔ RequirementStakeholderReqInterestRelationshipDomainDependency
Test case ↔ RequirementTestCaseVerifyReqRshpDomainDependency
Activity ↔ Input/OutputActivityPortDependsRelationship


Requirements diagramRequirementsDiagramAbstractDiagram/RequirementsDiagram
Activity diagramActivityDiagramAbstractDiagram/ActivityDiagram
Use case diagramUseCaseDiagramAbstractDiagram/UseCaseDiagram
Block diagramBlockDiagramAbstractDiagram/BlockDiagram
Internal block diagramInternalBlockDiagramAbstractDiagram/InternalBlockDiagram
Class diagramClassDiagramAbstractDiagram/ClassDiagram
Package diagramPackageDiagramAbstractDiagram/PackageDiagram
System context diagramSystemContextDiagramAbstractDiagram/SystemContextDiagram
Goal diagramGoalDiagramAbstractDiagram/GoalDiagram
State machine diagramProcessStateMachineDiagramAbstractDiagram/ProcessStateMachineDiagram

The Guideline Window (Accessible in Organizations and Projects)

To open the guideline window, click on the eye symbol in an organization’s or project’s tab, and select Show Guideline.

By default, the window opens on the left-hand side of the screen. 

You can create a set of guidelines for each project and organization. These guidelines help you navigate through projects and provide valuable information about individual functions. In the lower area, you can reference project elements, external files and web links which can be opened directly when clicked on.

The Settings Window (Accessible in Organizations and Projects)

To open the settings window, click on the eye symbol in an organization’s or project’s tab, and select Show Settings.

By default, the window opens on the right-hand side of the screen.

All project-relevant settings, such as document templates, patterns, state machines, query types, etc., which are not accessible to project team members are managed here. Forms are also stored here. To open this window, you need administrator rights.

The Topics Window (Accessible in Organizations and Projects)

To open the topics window, click on the eye symbol in an organization’s or project’s tab, and select Show Topics.

By default, the window opens on the left-hand side of the screen.

Frequently accessed elements such as views and queries can be added to the topic bar for quick access.

The Glossary Window (Accessible in Organizations and Projects)

To open the glossary window, click on the eye symbol in an organization’s or project’s tab, and select Show Glossary.

By default, the window opens in the centre of the screen.

In the glossary, you can define and clarify technical terms that are important for your project.

The History Window (Only Accessible in Projects) (Version 7.4 and Later)

To open the history window, click on the eye symbol in a project’s tab, and select Show History. This window cannot be accessed in the web client.

By default, the window opens on the left-hand side of the screen.

Here you can see which elements were last changed or created. Possible changes include; change of state, assignment of elements, and changed properties. The renaming of elements does not count as a change. Depending on what rights have been assigned, various commands for editing are offered via the context menu of individual elements.

The Output Window (Accessible in Organizations and Projects)

To open the output window, click on the eye symbol in an organization or project’s tab, and select Show Output.

By default, the window opens at the bottom of the screen.

Processing messages are displayed here.