Window “Stereotypes”
In objectiF RM, you use stereotypes to differentiate between the individual entities. Entities are, for example, requirements, test cases, documents, diagrams, queries, and so on. Each element in objectiF RM is always assigned to a stereotype, which allows you to specify the respective element more precisely via properties and to distinguish it from others. Stereotypes such as Requirement or Port contain so-called sub stereotypes, which thus allow the element to be specified. For example, a requirement can be a Feature of the stereotype or a Bug.
The project templates contain a number of stereotypes that you, as a user, can enhance with your own substereotypes. Each stereotype has properties that are standard in the template. These cannot be deleted. However, you can enhance them or define new properties that are then only available for elements of this stereotype. Properties that are defined at the highest level are inherited by the sub stereotypes so that they are also available to all sub stereotypes. Properties that are only valid for a substereotype are therefore only defined there. For example, an administrator can define an additional sub-stereotype for the Requirement stereotype that provides the additional property Effort of type Decimal Number. This property can then only be used by requirements of this type. Properties that the user subsequently defines are called user-defined properties.
If you need a project object that cannot be mapped with the existing stereotypes, you can also invent your own. These new elements are called artifacts in objectiF RM. To do this, you create a new artifact under the Artifact stereotype and then use the Form Designer to create a suitable form so that you can record the data later.
All stereotypes are managed centrally in the Stereotypes window. To open the window, click the eye and choose Show Stereotypes.
Use stereotypes as filters
In some situations, a selection dialog opens when you want to assign an element to another element. By assigning special stereotypes to your packages, you can restrict the display so that you can navigate more quickly to the target elements. When creating document templates, you use the stereotypes to determine which content (requirements, diagrams, queries) is to be generated later in a chapter. If you later create a document (chapter) based on this template, the stereotype means that when you assign the context element (which package is evaluated), only those packages are offered that correspond to the stereotype.
Element | Stereotype | Path |
Requirements | Requirement | DomainElement/Requirement |
Action | ModelActivityAction | ModelActivityElement/ ModelActivityAction |
Use case | UseCase | UseCase |
Artefact | Artifact | Artifact |
Working time of staff member | ActivityResourceWorkingTime | ActivityResourceWorkingTime |
Actor | Actor | Actor |
Proposed change | ProposedChange | Artifact/ ProposedChange |
Story flow | UseCaseFlow | UseCaseFlow |
Query | QueryInstance | QueryInstance |
Query type | QueryType | QueryType |
Attribute | Attribute | Member/Attribute |
Enumeration value | EnumerationValue | Member/ EnumerationValue |
Enumeration | Enumeration | Type/Enumeration |
Block | Block | DomainElement/ Block |
Bug | Bug | DomainElement/Requirement/ Bug |
Relation group | RelationGroup | DomainElement/ RelationGroup |
User | User | User |
Relation group | RelationGroup | DomainElement/RelationGroup |
Dashboard | DashBoard | DomainElement/DashBoard |
Document | Document | Document |
Document template | DocumentTemplate | DocumentTemplate |
Data point of a cumulative flow diagram | CumulativeFlowDiagramDataPoint | DomainElement/CumulativeFlowDiagramDataPoint |
Diagram in a dashboards | DashBoardChart | DomainElement/DashBoardChart |
Default value of property value | InitialValueProperty | DomainElement/InitialValueProperty |
File property | FileProductSetting | DomainElement/FileProductSetting |
Dimension | QuantityKind | DomainElement/QuantityKind |
Element group | ElementGroup | ElementGroup |
Earned value analysis | EarnedValueAnalysis | DomainElement/EarnedValueAnalysis |
Time recording settings | TimeRecordingInstanceSettings | DomainElement/ TimeRecordingInstanceSettings |
Test set execution settings | TestSetExecutionSettings | DomainElement/TestSetExecutionSettings |
Unit | Unit | DomainElement/Unit |
Unit property | UnitProperty | DomainElement/UnitProperty |
Use case extension point | UseCaseExtensionPoint | DomainElement/UseCaseExtensionPoint |
Signal property | SignalProperty | DomainElement/SignalProperty |
Element in a activity diagram | ModelActivityElement | ModelActivityElement |
Flow port | FlowPort | DomainElement/FlowPort |
Flow port of part | FlowPortPart | DomainElement/FlowPortPart |
Flow port property | FlowProperty | DomainElement/FlowProperty |
Planned system | PlannedSystem | DomainElement/PlannedSystem |
Glossary | Glossary | Glossary |
Glossary entry | GlossaryEntry | GlossaryEntry |
Fork/Join | ModelActivityForkJoin | ModelActivityElement/ ModelActivityForkJoin |
Info to downloaded directory | DirectoryProductDownloadSettings | DomainElement/DirectoryProductDownloadSettings |
Guideline chapter | GuidelineChapter | DomainElement/GuidelineChapter |
Class | Class | Type/Class |
Key figures of dashboard | DashBoardKPI | DomainElement/DashBoardKPI |
Guideline | Guideline | DomainElement/Guideline |
Guideline link | GuidelineLink | DomainElement/GuidelineLink |
Resource pool staff | ResourcePoolUser | ResourcePoolUser |
Resource request | ResourceRequest | ResourceRequest |
Misuse Case | MisUseCase | UseCase/MisUseCase |
Activities user | ActivityResource | ActivityResource |
Method | Method | Member/Method |
Model activity | ModelActivity | ModelActivity |
Mailbox | Mailbox | Mailbox |
Pattern | Pattern | Pattern |
Resource pool | RessourcePool | RessourcePool |
Value | BusinessValue | Artifact/ BusinessValue |
Folder | Package | Package |
Organization | Organization | Organization |
Object node | ModelActivityObject | ModelActivityElement/ModelActivityObject |
Persona | Persona | DomainElement/Persona |
Persona Scenario | PersonaScenario | DomainElement/PersonaScenario |
Port | Port | DomainElement/Port |
Proxy Port | ProxyPort | DomainElement/ Port/ ProxyPort |
Project | Project | Project |
Program | Program | Project/ Program |
Project group | ProjectGroup | DomainElement/ProjectGroup |
Project user | ProjectUser | ProjectUser |
Risk | Risk | Artifact/ Risk |
Rule | SystemContextRule | DomainElement/SystemContextRule |
Review | Review | Review |
ReqIf exchange file | ReqIfExchange | DomainElement/ReqIfExchange |
Signal property | SignalProperty | DomainElement/SignalProperty |
Interface | BlockInterface | DomainElement/BlockInterface |
External interface | External BlockInterface | DomainElement/BlockInterface/External BlockInterface |
Slice | Slice | DomainElement/Requirement/Slice |
Signal | Signal | DomainElement/Signal |
Hierarchy of a specification | SpecHierarchy | DomainElement/SpecHierarchy |
Specification | Specification | DomainElement/Specification |
Stakeholder | Stakeholder | DomainElement/Stakeholder |
System context element | SystemContextElement | DomainElement/SystemContextElement |
Step of a flow | UseCaseFlowStep | UseCaseFlowStep |
Test case | TestCase | DomainElement/TestCase |
Test Scenario | TestCaseScenario | DomainElement/TestCaseScenario |
Step of a test scenario | TestCaseScenarioStep | DomainElement/TestCaseScenarioStep |
Test case step | TestCaseStep | DomainElement/TestCaseStep |
User Story Board | UserStoryBoard | DomainElement/UserStoryBoard |
Use Case Story | UseCaseStory | UseCaseStory |
Variation | Variation | Variation |
Variation point | VariationPoint | VariationPoint |
Directory | DirectoryProduct | DirectoryProduct |
Value type | BlockValueType | DomainElement/BlockValueType |
Goal | Goal | DomainElement/Goal |
Element | Stereotype | Path |
Actor ↔ Actor | ActorGeneralization | ActorGeneralization |
Actor ↔ Use case | CommunicatesRelationship | CommunicatesRelationship |
Test ↔ assigned user | AssociatedTestProjectUser | ArtifactRelationship |
Bug ↔ Test | BugTestRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Bug ↔ Test step | BugTestStepRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Value ↔ Value | BuildsOnBusinessValueRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Risk ↔ Business goal | BusinessObjectiveRiskRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Business goal ↔ Business requirement | BusinessRequirementBusinessObjectiveRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Need ↔ Need | ContainsNeedRship | ArtifactRelationship |
File ↔ Need | NeedAttachRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Business requirement ↔ Need | NeedBusinessRequirementRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Value ↔ Need | NeedBusinessValueRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Solution ↔ Need | NeedSolutionRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Stakeholder ↔ Need | NeedStakeholderRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Stakeholder ↔ Stakeholder | StakeholderCorrelationRship | DomainDependency |
Requirement ↔ Proposed change | ProposedChangeRequirementRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Risk ↔ Proposed change | ProposedChangeRiskRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Risk ↔ Requirement | RequirementRiskRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Work package ↔ Risk | RiskWorkPackageRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Value ↔ Solution | SolutionBusinessValueRship | ArtifactRelationship |
Test set execution ↔ Test case | Test | ArtifactRelationship |
Test ↔ Test case step | TestStep | ArtifactRelationship |
Class ↔ Class | Association | Association |
Activity ↔ Assigned package | ActivityRealizePackageRship | DependsRelationship |
Activity ↔ Assigned use case | ActivityRealizeUseCaseRship | DependsRelationship |
Class ↔ Extending class | ClassExtendsRelationshipLink | DependsRelationship |
Chapter ↔ Referencing document template | DocumentTemplateComposition | DependsRelationship |
Element ↔ Review comment | ElementReviewComment | DependsRelationship |
Use case ↔ Extensive use case | Extend | DependsRelationship |
Email ↔ Attachment | MailAttachmentRship | DependsRelationship |
Review comment ↔ Review | ReviewComment | DependsRelationship |
Standard port ↔ Interface | Use | DependsRelationship |
Use case ↔ Attachment | UseCaseAttachRship | DependsRelationship |
Folder or file ↔ Database user | WorkingFolder | DependsRelationship |
Use case ↔ Misuse Case | prevents | ExtendsRelationship |
Generalization | Generalization | Generalization |
Use case ↔ Use case | UseCaseGeneralization | UseCaseGeneralization |
Variation point ↔ Variation | VariationAsset | DependsReleationship |
Block ↔ Partial block | BlockAggregation | DomainDependency |
Block ↔ referencing block | BlockAssociation | DomainDependency |
Parent requirement ↔ Requirement | ContainsReqRship | DomainDependency |
Package ↔ importet package | Import | DependsRelationship |
Activity ↔ Control flow | ControlFlow | ControlFlow |
Activity ↔ Assigned requirement | ActivityRealizeReqRship | DomainDependency |
Variation ↔ Variation point | VariationAsset | DependsRelationship |
Actor ↔Planned system | ContextActorRelationship | DomainDependency |
Planned system ↔ System context element | ContextElementRelationship | DomainDependency |
Rule ↔ System context element | ContextElementRuleApplication | DomainDependency |
Rule ↔ Planned system | ContextRuleApplication | DomainDependency |
Requirement↔ Depends requirement | DependsReqRship | DomainDependency |
Requirement ↔ Derived requirement | DerivedReqRship | DomainDependency |
Block ↔ Block | GeneralisationRelationship | DomainDependency |
Goal ↔ And-Goal | GoalAndRelationship | DomainDependency |
Goal ↔ Or-Goal | GoalOrRelationship | DomainDependency |
Goal ↔ Goal (conflict) | GoalConflictRelationship | DomainDependency |
Goal ↔ benötigtes Goal | GoalDemandRelationship | DomainDependency |
Goal ↔ Requirement | GoalDerivedReqRshp | DomainDependency |
Use case ↔ Assigned goal | GoalDerivedUseCaseRshp | DomainDependency |
Guideline ↔ Reference item (Example) | GuidelineReferenceItem | DomainDependency |
E-Mail ↔ Derived requirement | MailDerivedReqRshp | DomainDependency |
Persona ↔ required requirement | NeedsRship | DomainDependency |
Goal ↔ Stakeholder | OwnsRelationship | DomainDependency |
Package ↔ Aggregating package | PackageMerge | DomainDependency |
Persona ↔ Persona scenario | PersonaScenarioRshp | DomainDependency |
Use case ↔ Persona scenario | PersonaScenSpecializeUseCaseRshp | DomainDependency |
Port ↔ assigned operation to a block | PortBlockOperationRship | DomainDependency |
Port ↔ assigned flow property | PortFlowPropertyRship | DomainDependency |
Use case diagram ↔ Requirement | RefinesReqRship | DomainDependency |
Actor ↔ generalised actor | RepresentsRship | DomainDependency |
Requirement ↔ Attachment | RequirementAttachRship | DomainDependency |
Requirement ↔ Requirements reference | RequirementReference | DomainDependency |
Requirement ↔ Block | SatisfiesReqRship | DomainDependency |
Test case ↔ Assigned project user | TestCaseAssociatedProjectUser | DomainDependency |
Stakeholder ↔ Requirement | StakeholderReqInterestRelationship | DomainDependency |
Test case ↔ Requirement | TestCaseVerifyReqRshp | DomainDependency |
Activity ↔ Input/Output | ActivityPort | DependsRelationship |
Diagram | Stereotype | Path |
Requirements diagram | RequirementsDiagram | AbstractDiagram/RequirementsDiagram |
Activity diagram | ActivityDiagram | AbstractDiagram/ActivityDiagram |
Use case diagram | UseCaseDiagram | AbstractDiagram/UseCaseDiagram |
Block diagram | BlockDiagram | AbstractDiagram/BlockDiagram |
Internal block diagram | InternalBlockDiagram | AbstractDiagram/InternalBlockDiagram |
Class diagram | ClassDiagram | AbstractDiagram/ClassDiagram |
Package diagram | PackageDiagram | AbstractDiagram/PackageDiagram |
System context diagram | SystemContextDiagram | AbstractDiagram/SystemContextDiagram |
Goal diagram | GoalDiagram | AbstractDiagram/GoalDiagram |
State machine diagram | ProcessStateMachineDiagram | AbstractDiagram/ProcessStateMachineDiagram |