Create e-mail
Stakeholders or team members can be informed about the state of the project or about individual elements by generating the desired element into a e-mail.
People, like stakeholders, who don’t have objectiF RPM installed can still see and access project contents. The prerequisites for that is that the person is created as a project employee and has internet access.
Create an email (windows client and web client)
Emails can be created:
- via the context menu of an element with the command Share/Create e-mail
The email program will open when the command Create e-mail is selected. An email will be created for both the Windows client and the web client. The link file for the Windows client is an attachment. The hyperlink for the web client is in the generated email text. This text can be adapted and sent to one or multiple people.
Open element
An element can be opened by clicking either the hyperlink in the email or the link file in the attachment. As soon as the web client is installed, it will open and two options will be given: whether it should open straight away or jump to the storage location.
Hyperlinks can only be opened by the web client.
Link files can only be opened by the Windows client.
If the recipient clicks the link file in the attachment or on the hyperlink in the email, then they will be asked by the system for their login details. If the user is already logged in, they will have the Open and Go to definition.
If Open is selected, then the edit dialog of the element will be opened.
If Go to definition, is selected, then the definition location of the element will be directly jumped to.