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In objectiF RPM, a package is a folder that can contain a wide variety of elements and which you use to structure the entire project content.  

Create packages

You can create, import, or model packages manually in a package diagram. You can recognize a package in the system by these icons:

Standard icon for packages
Standard icon for packages of type Systemcontext
Standard icon for packages of type Document

When you create new packages, you can use the subordinate stereotypes, such as Requirements or TestCases, to indicate which elements are to be created in a package. If, for example, you only want requirements to be created in one package and test cases only in another, create one Requirements package and another TestCases package. 


The stereotype of packages is <<Package>>. You need the stereotype when you create document templates, queries, forms, or search for a package in the tool. But also when creating new patterns, you use the stereotypes to determine for which element types the pattern is to be offered later.

In the Stereotypes window, you will find the Stereotypes Package at the top level under P. Below this, further substereotypes have been created, which you can extend or adapt by user-defined properties. Properties do not have to be defined separately for each sub-stereotype, since the properties are inherited from the main stereotype. 


Context menu commands

With the context menu commands you can edit packages, create additional sub-packages, create all entities such as targets, requirements, documents, queries and views and much more. The following context menu commands are available for packages:

Edit | Edit Package

Opens the editing dialog in write mode.

Change State

Allows you to change the state of a package without opening the editing dialog.


Opens views that have the selected package as a context element.

Apply Pattern

Shows all patterns that can be applied to a persona. Green icons show that the pattern is particularly suitable.

Create Review

Creates a review for the package, which is displayed directly below the package.

Description document

Opens, creates or deletes a Word document.


Contains commands that you can use to create requirements, goals, stakeholders, goal diagrams, and references etc. 

Create diagram

Contains commands that you can use to create diagrams. 

Create other

Contains commands that you can use to create queries, views, forms, pattern etc. 

Show diagrams | Show diagrams for package

Opens a selection dialog where all diagrams containing the package are displayed. If you select a diagram and click OK, the diagram opens.


Allows to send the package by link, e-mail or hyperlink.


Allows you to create a package variant. Other commands are also available that you can use to copy changes to the variant or package to the package or variant.

Edit Revision

Allows you to create a revision. It also allows you to view, compare, and trace the history of a package.


Exports the package to a sxmi file.

Edit permissions

Here you define permissions for the package and its contents.

Execute Extension

If you have created extensions for packages, you can select and execute them here.

Pattern Catalog

Opens the pattern catalog, which you can use to find out about all existing patterns.


Deletes the package from the project. The action cannot be undone.